Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy First Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Niko celebrated his first ever Thanksgiving. Boy, were we thankful he did!
He was so good! While he didn't join us at the table, he was nearby in his bouncer watching us all scarf down a wonderful Thanksgiving feast.

Gammy giving him some love...

Time to get dressed up and head to Grandma and Pap Pap Danhires' place.
Who says you can't dress up boys?

"Handsome like Daddy" Awww...
It's Grandma Danhires' turn! She couldn't get enough...
Christmas is just around the corner! Oh boy... it's a wonderful life. :)
We are blessed beyond imagination!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What a cutie pie!

What a face!!

Baby's First Halloween

Nikola comes home!

Home sweet home... here we come!
Finally! We got to bring our baby boy home on October 9, 2010. Just two days after surgery! Amazing. It was a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. We were so tired, but overjoyed.
There truly is no place like home!

Proud Papa!
Josiah was way exciting to finally have his baby brother home!
Time to stretch out and relax!

Tired Mama...

The Adventure of Edison

While Nikola was born apparently very healthy, there was a cyst lurking in his head. We knew about the arachnoid cyst. It was diagnosed during pregnancy. We were told the prognosis was very unpredictable, but that chances were no intervention would be needed. We decided to name the cyst "Edison". You see, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison were rivals in the science world. If fact, Tesla claimed that Edison took credit for much of his work. So we thought it an appropriate name.

Niko was transferred to Children's Hospital on October 5. Our stay at Children's was off to a very bad start. It was chaotic and we seemed to be getting mixed information from everyone. Once a decision was made for surgery, we felt like we had some answers. Along with those answers, was great stress, of course. The thought of our son having brain surgery was overwhelming, to say the least. But with the help of the wonderful staff and knowledgeable neurosurgeon, along with the love and support of family and friends, we remained strong and confident.

Big brother came to give Niko a good luck kiss...

Those discs on his head were placed for proper positioning for his cat scan. One of our nurses light-heartedly joked that this was Niko's first Halloween costume! It made us smile.

The surgery was a success and went more smoothly than we anticipated. A VP shunt was inserted to drain the cyst and keep pressure off the brain stem. We were so relieved. And other than a half-shaved head and purple circles from the marker... Nikola looked great! We were able to hold him within the hour after surgery and I even got to nurse him! We could finally breathe.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nikola Zane born October 3, 2010

I'm proud to announce the birth of our second child, Nikola Zane. Nikola came into the world at 12:11 pm on October 3, 2010 weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces. He is a beautiful, baby boy!

My husband, John, was an exceptional labor coach, helping me through another natural childbirth. Thanks to midwife Sue Holden, and the awesome team of nurses who helped to bring Niko into this big world. Thanks also to my family for being my my side. It was a truly amazing experience.

Big brother, Josiah, was so excited to meet his baby brother!

Nikola was named partly after Nikola Tesla, inventor. Zane is a form of John, after Daddy. We call him "Niko" for short.

Welcome, little one.